Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/209

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A fine Boar-hunt, by Snyders, 1 1 feet 9 by 7 feel: 3. A Stag-hunt of equal merit, by the same. Cleopatra terminating her affection and misfor- tunes by the fatal asp; an exquisitely fine painting by Guido. Venus and Mercury teaching Cupid to read; by West. The Marriage of St. Catherine; a curious old picture, by Albert Durer, in his cha- racteristic dark and harsh style. Susannah and the Elders; a grand specimen of Hannibal Carracci's powerful pencil. Laocoon ana his Sons; horribly fine, bySalvator Rosa. An original idea of his own; having taken nothing from the antique groupe, but. the story. Portrait of Roubil/iac, the famous statuary, modelling Shakespeare; by Carpentier. Cupid discovering the thunder of "Jo-ve, by Guido.

Returning to the Wolverhampton road, from which our visit to Tung- Castle had occasioned a diversion, we drove into the park of Patteshull, the seat of Sir George Pigot, hart. Amid the fine scenery of this inclosure, one regrets that so unfa- vourable a situation lias been chosen for ilk house, as die bottom in which it stands; but the old man- sion had been built on the same spot, and sixty years ago the veneration lor ancient scites had not been banished by notions of taste or convenience. The lodge, on the contrary, a building 01 modern rimes, a complete specimen of the simplex mwulitiis,

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