Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/37

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his fellow-creatures, purchased (as I have before- mentioned) the manor and castle of Bamborough of the Crown; and left them, by his will, (as if unwilling to receive the praise of men for his bene- volent actions) to the charitable use of affording aid to vessels in distress, and solace to mariners who had escaped from shipwreck. Under this testament Dr. Sharpe, archdeacon of Durham, fitted up the keep of the castle, a fabric of vast strength and magnitude, for the reccpt: on of those sea-faring sufferers, and such of their property as could, be rescued from the Airy of the deep; and the following regulations were adopted, both to prevent accidents on the coast, and to alleviate misfortune's when they had occurred:

An Account of the Signals made us, of at Bamhorou^b-Castlr. i?i the com:!; of Northumberland, in case Ships or Vessels arc ferce'reed to he in Distress, and of b, Ctniniabh. In. H iions establishes . their assistant and relief , n iv published

by the direction of tt Trust,, i j Xatbauac! la;:,;/ Cr, -iiv, ivnb the approbation of lb. Master Pilots, and Seanu the Trinity-House in Ne-zccastle-npon-lyne.


1. A nlnc-pounder, placed at the bottom of the tower, to be fired as a signal, in case any ship or ves.s< i be ohs:

in distress: viz v, when any ship < " ves-.el is s! ran .led, or wrecked upon the islands, or an) idj.u.cnt ro< 1:. 1: jj:cc, when any ship is stran led or wrcckt d heh.ud the castle, or '-." the northward of it, Thrice, when any ship or vessel is

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