Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/39

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~. An observatory or watch-tower is made on the east turret of the castle, where a person is to attend every morn- ing at day-break during the winter season, to look out it any ships be in distress.

S. Masters and commanders of ships or vessels in distress are desired to make such signals as are usually made by people in their melancholy situation.

/Issistanee, Stores, and Pro-visions, prepared at Basnborou^h- Caslle, for Seamen, Ships, or Vessel:, vl> reek ul or driven ashore on that eoast or neighbourhood :

1 . Rooms and beds arc-prepared for seamen ship-wrecked, who will be maintained in the castle tor a week, or longer, according to circumstances; and during that time be found

h all manner of necessaries.

2. Cellar, tor wine and other liquors from shipwrecked vessels, in whit h they are to be d< posited tor one year, in order to be claimed by the proper owners.

3. A storehouse ready for the reception ot wrecked. goods, cables, rigging, and iron. A book is kept lor enter- ing all kinds of timber and other wrecked goods; giving the marks and description of each, with the date when they came on shore.

-1. Four pair of screws tor raising ships thai are stranded in order to th< ir being repain d Tnnlx r, bU ks and lac kle, handspikes, cables, ropes, pumps, and iron, ready tor the

use ol ihipu recked vessels, X . Ik Hit! it taken away,

to be paid for al prune cost.

5. A pair of chains with large rings and swivels, made on purpose lor weighing ship-, (ol one thousand tons bur- burthen) that are sunken upon roek-,, or in deep water. X. ik These eh. mis are to be lent (gratis) to any person having occasion lor them, within lili\ miles along the: east, on ghini; proper -ecurity to rc-dclivci them to th : nistecs.

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