Page:A transcript of the first volume, 1538-1636, of the parish register of Chesham in the county of Buckingham.djvu/364

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Chesham Parish Register

purposes. And allso the true meaning of the said graunt is & shalbe for ever that sayd esquiers gentlemen and other their heirs & assignes shall yerely at fower tymes of the yere Distribute & pay the said yerely rente of Fyve pound to the said poore people inhabiting & Dwelling wthin the said Townes of Chesham agmondisham and Drayton Beauchampe in the County of Buck. in maner & forme Fallowing that is to say to the poore people of towne of Chesham at the Feast of the Nativitye of our Lord God xs to the pore people of the towne of Agmondisham at the same tyme xs to the pore people of the Towne of Drayton Beauchampe at the same tyme vs. Allso to the pore people of the Towne of Chesham at the feast the Anuntiaon of Ste Mary the virgin xs to the pore of Agmondisham at the same tyme xs & to the pore of Drayton Beauchampe at the same tyme vs. all so to the pore of Cheshame at the Feast of St John the Baptist xs to the pore of Amesham at the same tyme xs and to the pore of Drayton Beauchampe at the same tyme vs. All so to the pore of Chesham at the Feast of Ste Michaell tharchangell xs to the pore of agmondisham at the same tyme xs & to the pore of Drayton Beauchampe at the same tyme vs and this Distribuon to remayne & the true meaning of this prsent graunt is that for the better execution the Lord of the Mann of Chesh boyse aforesayd for the tyme being for ever shall over see the sayd Esquirs & gentlemen and others & call them their heirs & assignes to accounte how in what Mann the said yerely rente of Fyve pound is & shalbe imployed in Manner & forme as is in this present Sedule sett forth & Declared and thus Desyring that all Christian people may consider the saying of God that who regardeth wyfe or children more then me is not worthy of me, And sayeth allso whatso- ever is geven to his pore creatures for his sake is geven to himself. And thus wee besech god to receive vs to his mercy for ever.

Sealed and Delivered in the sence of vs Thomas Cheney Thomas Northefolke Thomas moseley Hugh Bachillor John Gaates Henry Norwod Thomas Gaskeyne Robert Bachill Lawrence Hawkes & John Dracott.

Theis writing be in the Keping of the above named Mr Francis Cheney sonne of the aforsayd Mr John Cheney Esquier.