Page:A treasury of war poetry, British and American poems of the world war, 1914-1919.djvu/441

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Before our trenches at Cambrai 310
Beneath fair Magdalen's storied towers 128
Blossoms as old as May I scatter here 251
Blow out, you bugles, over the rich Dead! 367
Broken, bewildered by the long retreat 206
Brothers in blood! They who this wrong began 88
Burn up the world, and yet the living spark 51
By all the deeds to Thy dear glory due 67
By all the glories of the day 306
By day, by night, along the lines their dull boom rings 304
Captains adventurous, from your ports of quiet 337
City of stark desolation 113
Come, Death, I'd have a word with thee 155
Courage came to you with your boyhood's grace 354
Dark, dark lay the drifters, against the red west 319
Dawn on the drab North Sea!— 338
Dear Lord, I hold my hand to take 190
Dear! of all happy in the hour, most blest 245
Dim, gradual thinning of the shapeless gloom 266
Dreary lay the long road, dreary lay the town 199
Ended the watches of the dark; oh hear the bugles blow— 424
Endless lanes sunken in the clay 270
England, the home of poetry; the hearth 52
England! where the sacred flame 43
Facing the guns, he jokes as well 201
Farewell! the village leaning to the hill 274
Farewell to Lochaber, farewell to the glen 56
Far fall the day when England's realm shall see 143
Far peace, than knowledge more desirable 147
Far up at Glorian the wind is sighing 300
Fate wafts us from the pygmies' shore 138
Fool that I was! my heart was sore 353
For all we have and are 52
For France and liberty he set apart 171
France is planting her gardens 86
Franceline rose in the dawning grey 80
From its blue vase the rose of evening drops 46
From morn to midnight, all day through 255
From out the dragging vastness of the sea 360