Page:A treatise on diseases of the bones (electronic resource) (IA b21289013).pdf/403

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to spread into the deep structures of the limb, it is not likely to be followed by the development of similar dis- case elsewhere.

There can be, I apprehend, no difficulty in distinguish- ing the disease represented by the foregoing cases, from the old incurable ulcer upon the front of the tibia, the surface of which is formed by a layer of smooth and firm granulations, and the bone beneath which, is enlarged and indurated with, in many instances, a circumscribed deposit of osseous matter beneath the ulcer, and exactly of its figure and size. Consequent on the old ulcer of the leg, there is no destruction of the subjacent parts. But in the disease which has been here described, there is destruction of the tissues of the limb, including the bone, with a fungous growth from the diseased parts. Directly these characters are distinctly manifested, there can be no doubt of the propriety of removing the limb.


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