Page:A treatise upon the law of copyright.djvu/18

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Sec. I. What Works are Protected

WTiat is an Original Engraving

Originality ...........

Maps, Charts, and Plans

Engravings in a Book .........

Must the Engraving be made within the British Dominions . The Engraving must be First Published within the British

Dominions .

Date of First Publication and Proprietor's Name ....

Name of Proprietor

Immoral Works

Duration of Protection . .

Sec. 2. The Owner of the Copyright

The Engraver .

The Employer

The Assignee

Sec. 3. Infringement of the Copyright

Prohibited Acts and Remedies

Guilty Knowledge

Limitation of Action


Copying for Private Use

What is a Piratical Copy

Licence a Defence .........

��PAGE 146


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50 51

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Sec. I, What Works are Protected 161

What is an Original Sculpture 161

The Sculpture must be First Published within the British Dominions 162

Publication 162

Author's Nationality 162

Proprietor's Name and Date 162

Proprietor's Name ......... 163

Date 163

Immoral Works 163

Duration of Protection 163

Sec. 2. The Owner of the Copyright 164

The Artist 164

The Employer 164

The Assignee 164

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