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would shortly cease, when we had told them of all our Adventures that were pleasing to them; for the People were of an itching Temper, fond of Novelty, and quickly cloy'd with their choicest Delights. They liv'd under a wise King, that preferr'd their Safety before his own; and murmur'd at all his Proceedings, when they were not fully satisfied of every Thing that induc'd him to take any Measures for their Welfare; tho' they knew him oblig'd by all Ties, divine and human, as willing also, to provide for their Happiness and Security.

Now that we were able to converse with them, I enquired into the Meaning of that Sight of young Children, which we had seen ao we came to this Place; and was told, that many eminent Politicians, from nice Experiments and Observations made upon the Body Politick, had infallibly predicted a great Distemper in it, which wou'd require a more than ordinary Effusion of Blood, in order to cure it To this End, Orders were given for sowing two thousand Acres with Men, which shou'd be ready to bleed when Occasion requir'd. Besides, this way of producing them was much more speedy, than that of being born of a Woman. They had a certain Plant growing among them, of whose Berries, laid in Hot-Beds, Children were thus form'd.

But as I said before, beginning to be tired of our Dependance upon those whom we thought unwilling longer to maintain us, we went directly to the King, and offer'd him our Service as Soldiers, and Persons whom Experience had confirm'd in many Things useful to a Commonwealth: We were well receiv'd, and upon Examination answering some Questions, were settled into some Places which we could manage, with a Promise of Preferment if we rightly behav'd.
