Page:A trip to the moon (IA triptomoon00mcde).pdf/91

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Want of fresh Air by some Bottles of animal Spirits; and will prevent the Vessels from touching each other, by placing Pieces of Lead between the Sides and Bottoms, which upon the Approach of the Fire, will melt and fall off before they can do any Harm. I believe that my Motion will be pretty swift; but I am used to travel Post, and by this Time can bear to be hurried. I provide my self with Wings, to prevent my too rapid Fall to the Earth; for I believe, were I not thus provided, I should not escape so well as I did in my Fall to the Moon.

Tckbrff said, that the Design, though rendered a little feasible, might not succeed, and many unforeseen Accidents might cause it to miscarry. As to that, said I, I must rely upon Providence, which I hope will send me with News to my Countrymen, whose Ingenuity may, in Time, find out a more easy Method of maintaining a Correspondence with other Planetary Inhabitants.

Immediately I set about preparing for my Departure, and in about a Week's Time had all Things ready for it. The Morning before I was blown up, I took my Leave of Tckbrff, and my other Friends, with the utmost Regret. He presented me with a Tobacco-Stopper; and in return, I gave him an Irish Bottle-Skrew. He would not be a Spectator of my leaving 'em, for he could not believe that I would survive it.

In short there was an Hole dug in the Earth for the Powder, and a Train laid of about a Mile long. When I enter'd my Tubs, as soon as I saw the Fire approaching me, I covered my self, and in a short Time was carried with great Rapidity far out of Sight; and with the Loss of mine outer Tub, I arriv'd safe between the Atmospheres of the Earth and Moon; where I sat a while to refresh myself, and tie on my Wings for the Remainder of my Journey.
