Page:A view of the history, literature, and mythology of the Hindoos (Vol. I).djvu/30

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Remarks on the works on Rhetoric, 529-list of works on this subject still extant, 529

Remarks on Hindoo Music, 530

Maxims or Proverbs, translated from the Poncho-Timtrň,. 531

Account of works of an historical nature, and a list of those still extant, 543

Contents of the Mñhabharătă, Ibid.

Remarks on the Geography of the poorants, 558

Account of fifty-five kingdoms in India, from the Shiktee-Sömbhédő, Ibid.

Translation from the Siddhantu-Shiromunee, by Bhaskuri, containing a Geographical description of the earth,. 560

Remarks on the military works, and on the Military Tactics of the ancient Hindoos, 567

——— on the works on the arts, 572

——— on the Sǎngskriti Grammars, 579—Dictionaries, 576

A list of translations from the Singskrită,- 578

CHAP. VI. The present state of learning among the Hindoos, 589

The learned men, 583-the colleges, 585

A list of Mott'hŏs, or convents of ascetics, where the shastrós are taught, at Benares, 588-of Colleges at Nudeya, 592-at Calcutta, ibid.-at other places, 598-College libraries, 594-College titles,-- 594

Indiscretions of the students,. Ibid.

The number of holidays a great impediment to learning, 595

Total decline of learning, Ibid.

Libraries of learned men, 597-state of learning among women,598

Method of keeping books, 599

Concluding remarks on the progress already made in bringing to light the Hindoo literature, Ibid.

GLOSSARY, for Vol. I, II, 601-640