Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/22

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The Preface.

skilled in the Variation of the Needle and the Use of the Azimuth Compass; besides the Hazard of all outward Accidents in strange and unknown Seas: Any one, I say, who is sensible of these Difficulties, will be much more pleased at the Discoveries and Observations I have been able to make, than displeased with me that I did not make more.

Thus much I thought necessary to premise in my own Vindication, against the Objections that have been made to my former Performances. But not to trouble the Reader any further with Matters of this Nature; what I have more to Offer, shall be only in relation to the following Voyage.

For the better apprehending the Course of this Voyage, and the Situation of the Places mentioned in it, I have here, as in the former Volumes, caused a Map to be Ingraven, with a prick'd Line, re-