Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/229

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Jenipah or Jenipapah (fruit) described.

Ingwa (fruit) described.

Laguna in Tenerife described.

Lancerota, one of the Canary Islands, its view from several points.

Mackeraw (bird) described.

Malmsey wine grows in the island Tenerife.

Mayo, one of the Cape Verde Islands: its view. its description. a large account of the making salt there. its soil and product. its inhabitants. its view from several points.

Mendibee (fruit).

Mericasah (fruit) described.

Miniola, a fowl.


Muckishaw (fruit) described.

Mungaroo (fruit) described.

Musteran-de-ova (fruit) described.