Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/25

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The Preface.

my departure from New Holland, till the foundring of my Ship near the Island of Ascension.

In the mean time, to make the Narrative in some measure compleat, I shall here add a Summary Abstract of that latter part of the Voyage, whereof I have not had time to draw out of my Journals a full and particular Account at large. Departing therefore from the Coast of New Holland in the beginning of September, 1699. (for the Reasons mentioned Page 154.) we arrived at Tymor, Sept. 15. and Anchored off that Island. On the 24th we obtain'd a small Supply of fresh Water from the Governor of a Dutch Fort and Factory there; we found also there a Portuguese Settlement, and were kindly treated by them. On the 3d of December we arrived on the Coast of New Guinea; where we found good fresh Water, and had Commerce with the Inhabitants of a