Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/28

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The Preface.

of Ascension; near to which my Ship, having sprung a Leak which could not be stopped, foundred at Sea; With much difficulty we got ashore, where we liv'd on Goats and Turtle; and on the 26th of February found, to our great Comfort, on the S. E. side of a high Mountain, about half a mile from its top, a Spring of fresh Water. I returned to England in the Canterbury East-India-Ship. For which wonderful Deliverance from so many and great Dangers, I think my self bound to return continual Thanks to Almighty God; whose Divine Providence if it shall please to bring me safe again to my Native Country from my present intended Voyage; I hope to publish a particular Account of all the material Things I observed in the several Places which I have now but barely mentioned.