Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/37

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An Error noted. C. Finisterre.

seem'd to have gone nearer to it than they thought they should. My Master, who was somewhat troubled at it at first, was not displeas'd however to find that he had Company in his Mistake: Which, as I have heard, is a very common one, and fatal to many Ships. The Occasion of it is the not allowing for the Change of the Variation since the making of the Charts; which Captain Halley has observ'd to be very considerable. An Advertisement necessary to be observ'd in the Navigation up and down the Channel of England. Sold by S. Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church yard. Price 2 d.I shall refer the Reader to his own Account of it which he caus'd to be Publish'd in a single Sheet of Paper, purposely for a Caution to such as pass to and fro the English Channel: The Title of it is in the Margin. And my own Experience thus confirming to me the Usefulness of such a Caution, I was willing to take this occasion of helping towards the making it the more Publick.

Not to trouble the Reader with every Days Run, nor with the Winds or Weather (but only in the remoter Parts, where it may be more particularly useful) standing away from C. la Hague, we made the Start about 5 that Afternoon; which being the last Land we saw of England, we reckon'd our Departure from thence: Tho' we had rather have taken it from the Lizard, if the hazy Weather would have suffer'd us to have seen it.

The first Land we saw after we were out of the Channel was C. Finisterre, which we made on the 19th; and on the 28th made

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