Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/96

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Season for European Ships.

Knife the very upper part of the Sugar, which will be a little sullied, that which is underneath will be White almost to the bottom: and such as is called Brazil Sugar is thus Whitened. When I was here this Sugar was sold for about 50 s. per 100 lb. and the Bottoms of the Pots, which is very course Sugar, for about 20 s. per 100 lb. both sorts being then scarce; for here was not enough to lade the Ships, and therefore some of them were to lie here till the next Season.

The European Ships commonly arrive here in February or March, and they have generally quick Passages; finding at that time of the Year brisk Gales to bring them to the Line, little Trouble, then, in crossing it, and brisk E. N. E. Winds afterwards to bring them hither. They commonly return from hence about the latter end of May, or in June. 'Twas said when I was here that the Ships would sail hence the 20th day of May; and therefore they were all very busy, some in taking in their Goods, others in Careening and making themselves ready. The Ships that come hither usually Careen at their first coming; here being a Hulk belonging to the King for that purpose. This Hulk is under the charge of the Superintendent I spoke of, who has a certain Sum of Mony for every Ship that Careens by her. He also prov-