Page:A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu/212

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population. This incipient display of discontent was capably dealt with by the Viceroy, a single execution proving effective in nipping disturbance in the bud; but it served to show that further burdens would be resented by the people, and the funds for the construction of the Ssŭch'uan railways will be whistled for for many a day to come. By any one who knows China, the value of her avowal that she can build her own railways without having recourse to foreign loans, will be accurately gauged.[1]

  1. According to the latest information the estimated cost of the proposed railway from Ch'êngtu to Hankow is 1,000,000,000 taels, and the amount collected 7,000,000 taels.