Page:A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu/245

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maltreated on the highroad, therefore I would take the names, places of residence, and destination of the offenders. On this occasion I would say no more of their conduct; but as they, like myself, were travelling to Yün-nan Fu, I should have ample opportunity of watching their conduct for the remainder of the way, and if I noticed the slightest attempt at similar misconduct I should have the offenders delivered up at the first magisterial yamen for condign punishment." Having delivered this harangue and taken the names of the offenders, I handed Tls. 1½ to the owner of the lost cart, and declared the case dismissed. I congratulated myself on having successfully administered British justice under somewhat trying circumstances, and finding the day passing, took lunch where I was. What was my surprise to find the decision I had come to entirely upset by the refusal of the carter to accept the money. A dozen times I handed it to him, and as many times I received it back. All he begged was that I would consider the case closed. It subsequently trans-