Page:A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu/277

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limit will be placed upon the amount he is allowed to consume, to be reduced yearly by from 20 per cent to 30 per cent. On becoming a total abstainer he must produce a guarantee signed by a relative or neighbour, when his licence will be cancelled. No new licences will be issued after the first inquisition, and severe penalties will be inflicted upon any one smoking without a licence.

Strong measures are to be taken to limit the facilities for indulging in the habit. Eating-houses are to be prohibited from furnishing opium, and customers from bringing smoking apparatus with them into such places. In the space of one year all shops for the sale of smoking accessories are to close, and six months is the limit placed upon the lives of all opium dens. Shops for the sale of the drug are to be provided with licences, and returns of the amount sold to be made annually to the magistrate of the district. All shops still in existence at the expiration of ten years to be summarily closed. Further, anti-opium societies