Page:A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu/82

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present time the terminus, and in the future will be the central point, of a great trans-Chinese railway running from Peking to

    The Nord-Deutcher Lloyd 3 {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
    The Hamburg Amerika 2 {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
    Geddes & Co. (Chinese owned but flying the British flag) 2 {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
    Ramsay & Co. (Japanese) 2 {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
    A French company 1 {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
    Total 33 steamers.
    II. Hankow—Ichang.
    The China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. 2 steamers.
    Messrs Butterfield & Swire 1 {{{1}}}
    Messrs Jardine, Mathieson, & Co. 1 {{{1}}}
    The Osaka Shosen Kwaisha (Japanese) 2 {{{1}}}
    Total 6 steamers.
    III. Hankow—Changsha.
    Messrs Butterfield & Swire 1 steamer.
    Messrs Jardine, Mathieson, & Co. 1 {{{1}}}
    The Hunan Co. (a Japanese company receiving a
    subsidy of 6 per cent on its capital)
    3 {{{1}}}
    Total 5 steamers.

    From the above table it will be seen that there are at present forty-four steamers plying exclusively upon the waters of the Yang-tsze. In addition to these, the Nippon Yusen Kwaisha and the Osaka Shosen Kwaisha each run two steamers from Yokohama to Hankow, and the number of sailing junks upon the river is incalculable.