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Physical Character.

Very different accounts have been given by voyagers and explorers relative to the color and form of the natives of Australia. Some have represented them as coal-black, like the negro, with bottle-noses, spare limbs, and ferocious countenances: others as models of symmetry, having a complexion scarcely so dark as to conceal a blush; and the greater number regard them simply as "blacks," with such conformations generally as belong to the African.

They differ in appearance in different parts of the continent, and this may account, in a measure, for the different statements made by observers. They differ from one another in stature, bulk, and color probably as much and no more than the inhabitants of Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy differ from one another. Those that have abundance of food are tall and stout, and exhibit well-developed figures; and such as maintain a precarious existence in the arid tracts which the larger animals do not frequent are small, meagre, thin-limbed, and most unpleasing in aspect.

I sought information, during the year 1870, relative to the height, weight, and chest-measurement of the Aboriginal natives of Victoria, and I have compiled the following tables from the figures supplied by the Managers of the several Stations in the colony:—

Height, Weight, &c., of Aboriginal Natives at Coranderrk, Upper Yarra, from information furnished by Mr. John Green:—

Name. Age. Height. Girth. Weight. Name. Age. Height. Girth. Weight.
Men. years. ft. in. ft. in. lbs. Boys. years. ft. in. ft. in. lbs.
Tommy Banfield  26 5 3 9 214 Samson 15 5 2 9 115
Wellington 34 5 7 3 150 Martin 16 5 5 2 8 115
Peter Hunter 30 5 3 0 145 M. Bell 16 5 2 2 9 115
Redman 40 5 6 3 4 134 McRea 16 5 2 9 145
Dick 36 5 3 150 Willie Hobson 9 4 2 1 59
Tommy Arnot 28 5 2 11½ 126 Women.
Donald 23 5 9 2 11½ 125 Eliza 37 5 0 3 0 135
Johnny Philips 25 5 2 11½ 127 Maggie 33 5 0 2 9 98
Avoca 36 5 6 3 0 130 Sally 50 4 10 3 139
Harry 40 5 5 3 1 127 Borat 36 4 9 2 10 108
Jemmy Barker 36 5 9 3 3 134 Norah 30 5 2 2 10 124
Simon 40 5 10½ 3 2 148 Harriett 36 5 2 3 0 132
Annie 5 1 2 10½ 110