Page:About Mexico - Past and Present.djvu/12

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1881); also an article by the same writer in Johnson's Cyclopædia, entitled "Architecture of American Indians.".

Articles by Ad. F. Bandelier, Report of Peabody Museum, 1880.

Native Religions of Mexico and Peru, Révelle (1884).

Despatches of Hernandez Cortez, with introduction by George Folsom (New York, 1843).

Memoirs of Captain Bernal Diaz.

History of Mexico, by the Abbé Clavigero.

Origin of Written Language, Rev. James F. Riggs,

Mexico, by Brantz Mayer.

History of Mexico, H. H. Bancroft.

Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War, William Jay.

Mexico and the United States, Gorham D. Abbott, D.D., LL.D.

Twenty Years among the Mexicans, by Miss Melinda Rankin (1875).

Publications of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, of the American Board of Foreign Missions and the Bible Society Record.

For the use of valuable engravings which add much to the interest of its pages the book is indebted to the courtesy of the Missouri and Pacific Railway Company, St. Louis, and to the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, New York, to whom the thanks of author and publisher are hereby gratefully tendered.