Page:About Mexico - Past and Present.djvu/415

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Aguilar, 380
death of, 381
Alvarado's cruelty, and its cost, 211
American Board of Foreign Missions, 387
Aguas, Manuel, converted to Protestantism, 382
Aztecs, 34
are defeated, and their capital is destroyed, 236
armor, 62
born warriors, 61
children, 114
cruelties, 83
doctrine of future life, 83
education, 116
festivals, 89
home rules, 113
language, 111
laws, 50
manuscripts, 110
marriage, 121
rebel against Spaniards, 203
ruins, 42
schools, 117
softer traits, 122
tactics, 66
traditions, 37
tyranny, 129
writings, 107
Bible secretly circulated, 365
Bravo, Miguel, 275
Cacama, Tezcucan chief, 185, 203
Capital of Mexico, Cortez' first view of, 183
Cempoalla, 151
Chapultepec Castle, 328
Chihuahua, 352
Children, mode of training, 113
naming of, 115
sold for sacrifice, 123
Cholula a sacred city, 170
pyramid of, 32
Cibola, seven cities of, 261
Civilization, ancient Mexican, 92
Columbus the Pathfinder, 17
Cortez, 135
ascends Popocatapetl, 180
as missionary, 154
Aztecs rebel against, 203
besieges and destroys City of Mexico, 236
cool reception, 140
Cuban jealousy of, 208
enters Tlascala, 225
expedition of, 135
march toward Mexico, 158
rallies at Otumba, 223