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2nd Class of the Shortwords.

The Staffwords form a class of words of quite new creation.

These shortwords permit to express certain general notions of which they are, so to say, the « symbols ».

We may define them as the oral gestures of the language.

The staffwords are never joined to the words to which they relate; they have the two following forms:

Ist Form.Shortwords of 2 or 3 letters finishing by u (no other vowel in the word). They are to the number of 45.

It is indispensable to know the nine following staffwords:

nu: Symbol of negation I do not love me nu lovi.
du: Symbol of affimative interrogation do I love? me du lovi?
tnu: Symbol of negative interrogation do I not love? me tnu lovi?
ku: Symbol of affirmative subordination that I love ku mo lovi.
knu: Symbol of negative subordination that I do not love knu me lovi.
su: Symbol of affirmative reflective I love myself me su lovi.
snu: Symbol of negative reflective I do not love myself me suu lovi.
tu, signifying precise designation; sense of: « it is he, she, they are they ».
stu, signifying masculineness; supplies the English word » male ».

Indeed there is no other means of effectuating these translations[1].

The other staffwords of this form serve to the « fabrication » of the words and supply the English prefixes. It is interesting, though not indispensable, to know them by heart.

Examples [2]:
ru signifying repetition, reiteration; like the English prefix re.
pu signifying idea of supremacy; English prefix: arch (archbishop).
bu signifying idea of superiority; English prefix: super, idea of principal.
qu signifying idea of inferiority; English prefix: under, vice (under-actor, vice-roy).
fku signifying idea of contrary; supplies the prefixes anti, contre.
pru signifying idea of preexistence; supplies the prefixes ante, pre.
plu indicating the plurality; supplies the prefix poly.
pru indicating the putting one thing instead of another; supplies the prefix pro.
sku indicating the likeness to; supplies the adjective termination ish (childish).
pnu indicating the unlikeness; it has the contrary sense of sku.

  1. These staffwords dispense with varying the tonality of the voice. Example: The presence of the word du indicates the positive interrogation of the phrase (See p. 50) as the English do.
  2. Refer to the Vocabulary as to the 25 staffwords not mentioned. Among these the word vu supplies shortly all protocol forms.