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WHERE shall we go to next? they still would say,
And still they found new pleasures every day.
At times Miss Earle took Bertie for a ride,
With little Rose and Mabel side by side;
And then their father took the elder two
To see the picture galleries, and view
Historic buildings, where they sometimes rested,
And many a bit of history was suggested.
They saw a wedding at the Madeleine,
Then went to "Notre Dame," close by the Seine,
And climbed the lofty tower, to see the view
Which cannot be surpassed the whole world through.
One day their father took them all to see
A great museum, full as full could be
Of rare old furniture, of every kind
The artists of the "Middle Age" designed;—
And precious things in silver and in gold,
Made by the best artificers of old.
Now while another way the party's eyes
Are turned, "King Henry's Staircase" Bertie spies,
And climbing up, with help from sister May,
He calls to Dennis, when he gets half-way,
"Come catch me quick!"—and then runs off, with peals
Of merry laughter,—Dennis at his heels.