Page:Abroad with Mark Twain and Eugene Field.djvu/137

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"And ze judge he was dere and I bows to ze judge and ze judge bows to me. And ze people, ma chère, zey were ze big cowards. Dey did not turn up.

"So when I tells ze judge my leedle story, he does dismiss ze case.

"I goes outside and sees ze fine tall handsome Inspector. Ze Inspector, he says: 'You 'ave got off very well to-day, but ze excitement! You mus' come wiz me and 'ave a leedle someting.'

"Well, my dear, I did go and ze Inspector he give me the winner of a 'orse and I jus' win forty pounds, ma chère.

"And ze people w'ere my 'usband was dancing came to me in ze evening and apologized, and he says: 'I'm very sorr', madame, we did not say your 'usband was zere. He did no 'arm. I bring you a leedle present. I am chef at ze —— Hotel and 'ere is a big basin of drippin' for you, Madame.'

"He was a very good chef, that monsieur, and so was the dripping."