Page:Account of John Harrison and his chronometer.djvu/11

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Lord Anson and on the 3rd of October 1761, Mr. John Harrison gave the following Memorial to Lord Anson.

To the Right Honorable and Honorable Commissioners constituted by Parliament for the discover of the Longitude at Sea, and for examining, trying and Judging of all proposals, Experiments and Improvements relating to the same.

The Memorial of John Harrison of Red Lyon Square in the Parish of St. George the Martyr.

Humbly Sheweth

That your Memorialist has been informed that the Council of the Royal Society have given and Answer to your Letter of the 12th of June last, and that they therein recommended Capt. John Campbell of his Majesty's Ship Dorsetshire, as a proper Person to go along with my Time Keeper and to make the necessary Astronomical Observations at Jamaica.

Your Memorialist has also been informed that the Sd. Captain Campbell cannot go at this time being lately ordered upon the Publick Service.