Page:Account of John Harrison and his chronometer.djvu/17

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That in addition to the lock now upon the case of the Watch and of which Mr. Harrison's son is to keep the key, there be three other locks of different wards assigned to the case, the key of one of which should be in the possession of Governor Lyttleton, who is going in the Deptford to Jamaica, the key of another in the possession of the Captain of the Deptford; and the key of the third to be kept by the First Lieutenant of that ship.

That Mr. Robertson, Master of the Royal Academy at Portsmouth should be appointed to find the true time at that place, and to see the Watch set to that time, and send exact information to the Lords of the Admiralty.

That observations of equal altitudes should be taken by the said Mr. Robertson, that the times of taking them should be marked down, agreeable to the times shown by the Watch, then sealed up and sent to the Lords of the Admiralty. All these matters to be done by Mr. Robertson, before Commissioner Hughes, the Captain of the Deptford, and Mr. Harrison's