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hand, to return the blow on the forehead of her antagonist, with such a force as to knock her to the ground screaming frightfully. The chaplet was the reward of her victory, of which she made herself a bracelet. Touched, in the mean time, with compassion for her companion, whose wound bled very much, she ran in search of frogs, and finding one, stripped off its skin with her nails, and covered the wound. After this they separated, she that was wounded taking the road towards the river, and the victorious le Blanc towards Songi.

There is much uncertainty as to what happened to these two children, previous to their arriving in Champagne, le Blanc’s memory, on that head, being very indistinct and confused. I shall relate, however, every particular I have been able to learn from her, from which I shall endeavour to form some probable conjectures about her native country, and the adventures that may have brought her into Champagne. But to return to her history.

The squeaking cries she uttered through her throat were very frightful. The most terrible of all were uttered by her on the approach of any unknown person, with an intention to take hold of her, at which