Page:Account of several remarkable earthquakes which have happened in various quarters of the world (1).pdf/13

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robes and rochets, as these all go in the habit of Bishops; several priests who had run from the altars in their sacerdotal vestments in the midst of their celebrating mass; ladies half dressed, and some without shoes; all these, whom their mutual dangers had here assembled as to a place of safety, were on their knees at prayers, with the terrors of death in their countenances, every one striking his breast, and crying out incessantly, Miserecordia meo Dios.

'In the midst of our devotions, the second great shock came on, little less violent than the first, and completed the ruin of those buildings which had been already much shatteredThe consternation now became so universal, that the shrieks and cries of Miserecordia could be distinctly heard from the top of St. Catherine's hill at a considerable distance off, whither a vast number of people had likewise retreated; at the same time we could hear the fall of the parish church there, whereby many persons were killed on the spot, and others mortally wounded. You may judge of the force of this shock, when I inform you, it was so violent, that I could scarce keep on my knees, but it was attended with some circumstances still more dreadful than the former—On a sudden I heard a general outcry, 'The sea is coming in, we shall be all lost.'—Upon this, turning my eyes towards the river, which in that place is near four miles broad, I could perceive it heaving and swelling in a most unaccountable manner, as no wind was stiring: in an instant there appeared at some small distance, a large body of water, rising like a mountain; it came on foaming and roaring, and rushed towards the shore with such impetuosity, that we all immediately ran for our lives as fast as possible; many were actually swept away, and the rest abovetheir