Page:Account of several remarkable earthquakes which have happened in various quarters of the world (1).pdf/9

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but on hearkening more attentively, I was soon undeceived, as I found it was owing to a strange frightful kind of noise under ground, resembling the hollow distant rumbling of thunder: all this passed in less than a minute, and I must confess I now began to be alarmed, as it naturally occurred to me, that this noise might possibly be the fore-manner of an earthquake, as one I remembered, which had happened about six or seven years ago, on the island of Madeira, commenced in the same manner, though it did little or no damage.

'Upon this I threw down my pen, and started upon my feet, remaining a moment in suspence, whether I should stay in the apartment, or run to the street, as the danger in both places seemed equal, and still flattering myself that this tremor might produce no other effects than such considerable ones as had been felt at Madeira; but in a moment I was roused from my dream, being instantly stunned with a most horrid crash, as if every edifice in the city had tumbled down at once. The house I was in shook with such violence, that the upper stories immediately fell, all though my apartment (which was the first floor) did not then share the same fate, yet every thing was thrown out of its place in such a manner, that it was with no small difficulty I kept my seat, and expected nothing less than to be soon crushed to death, as the walls continued rocking to and fro in the frightfullest manner, opening in several places, large stones falling down on every side from the cracks, and the ends of most of the rafters starting out from the roof. To add to this terrifying scene, the sky in a moment became so gloomy, that I could now distinguish no particular objects, it was an Egyptian darkness indeed, which as might be felt; owing, no doubt, to the