Page:Account of the dispute between Russia, Sweden & Denmark, and Great Britain.pdf/17

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many and important occaſions during the battle.—I beg leave to expreſs how much I feel indebted to every Captain, Officer, and Man, for their zeal, and diſtinguiſed bravery on this occaſion. The Hon. Colonel Stewart did me the favour to be on board the Elephant, and himſelf, with every officer and ſoldier under his orders, ſhared with pleaſure the toils and dangers of the day. The loſs in such a battle has naturally been very heavy:—Amongſt many other brave Officers and Men who were killed, I have with ſorrow to place the name of Captain Moſs of the Monarch, who has left a wife and ſix children to lament his loſs; and amongſt the wounded, that of Captain Sir Thomas B. Thomſon, of the Bellona.

I have the honour to be, &c.

Nelson & Bronte.


Officers 20

Seamen, Marines, and Soldiers, 234


Officers, 48

Seamen, Marines, and Soldiers, 573

Total killed and wounded, 875

From the London Gazette, April 21.

Admiralty-Office, April 21.

Extract of a letter from Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Commander in Chief of his Majeſty's Ships and Veſſels employed on a particular Service, to Evan Nepean, Esq. Secretary to the Admiralty, dated on board his Majeſty's ship London, in Copenhagen Road, the 9th April, 1801.


The Hon. Lieut. Col. Stewart having volunteered his ſervices, by being the bearer of theſe diſpatches, I