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hagen to demand an explanation, on the affair of the Freya frigate, the magnanimous Paul had a conſtant look out kept from the maſt head of a war ship at Cronſtadt, leſt our fleet ſhould ſurprise him in Petersburgh, intending on their coming in fight to retreat into the country.

No wonder that the cunning Buonaparte ſhould avail himſelf of the chance of ſetting so whimſical a man at variance with his beſt friends; with thoſe whoſe commerce had been advantageous to Ruſſia in a very great degree; and who, as we ſhall ſhew too(illegible text) Russian produce, which they might have had at home.—No pains were ſpared to cajole Paul and gain his favour. Couriers followed each other in quick ſuccesſion from Paris to Peterſburgh. Plans were formed to draw the whole North of Europe into a quarrel with us; and as there is never a difficulty in finding a bone of contention with thoſe who are bent on differing ſo they eaſily found one; and the inconſiſtent Paul, the sworn enemy of regicides and democracy, with Sweden and Denmark in his train, caught by the deceitful lures of Buonaparte, seemed anxious to lend all their might to work our ruin.


Alledged claim of Paul upon the iſland of Malta. Right of ſearch neceſſary for every nation at war. Poſitive engagements of all the Northern Powers to abide by it

PAUL, who had made himſelf Grand Master of the Malteſe order of St. John of Jerusalem wiſhed to poſſeſs the iſland alſo. And when it ſurrendered to this country he propoſed a plan to the Britiſh court for to give it up, but before an anſwer could reach him, Buonaparte had been beforehand, and with the effrontery of a Frenchman offered to reconquer and give it to him. This offer, which a child might have ſeen the impoſſibility of his fulfilling, was greedily accepted by Paul. Peace with the French Republic was concluded by him, and notwithstanding of a poſitive treaty existing between the two nati-