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Who died at Edinburgh.

Who can ſet a value upon Chriſt? he delights the Father with his lovelineſs enriches: the elect with his words, and enlightens heaven with his brightneſs. In ſcripture he is called, the elect in whom the Father's ſoul delighteth: The image of God, the invſible God; the meſſenger of the covenant; the firſt and the laſt; the prince of the kings of the earth; the mediator betwixt God and man; our paſſover ſacrificed for us; the Lord our righteouſneſs; the Lamb of God, that taketh away the ſins of the world; the hope of glory, the truth and life. He is the way; as prieſt, he was made a way; as a prophet, be ſhews us the way: As a King, he enables us to walk in that way, at the end of which is heaven and glory.

2. The preceding relation informs us how high and powerful the Spirit of the Lord is: He perfects ſtrength in weakneſs; by him the heart is enlarged with joy, and the mouth opened into gracious ſpeeches and high praiſe—A very child is made to ſpeak wiſely boldly ſweetfully, fruitfuly, and triumphantly through this operation and virtue.—A perſon is not ſtraitened, that has the fellowſhip of the Spirit, he hath both raiſed affections and affluent Language, 2 Cor. iii. 17 "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Job xxxii. 28. "I am full of matter, and the Spirit within me conſtraineth me." Acts ii. 4. "They were filled with the Holy Ghoſt, and began to ſpeak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."

3. The foregoing relation informs us, that religion and godlineſs is no vain and fanciful thing; but a thing moſt real, ſubſtantial and uſeful: It has truth for the ground of it; joy for the companion of it, and heaven for the reward of it. If God be true, then godlineſs is true.—At death, the wilful neglect of godlineſs confounds a man, and makes him ready to tear himſelf with his own hands; but the conſcionable practice thereof being holy triumph in God, and how ſweet is that!—The unſpeakable gain of