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Who died at Edinburgh.

tains, and ſkipping over the hills of my ſins; he is breaking down the partition walls, I have raiſed.

Mr John Law, another of the miniſters of the city came to her on Tueſday the third of the ſaid month and aſked her, how ſhe was! She anſwered, I hope I am going to Chriſt, he will not leave me, I truſt in him, he is on his coming now! Being enquired if ſhe was willing to die? Yes ſaid ſhe I am willing that in life or death the Lord do with me what he pleaſes: it he makes me his, which I hope he will do, for he is a good God, he will bear me up, I hope Chriſt is pleading for me with his father; he will be with me when I go through the dark valley and ſhadow of death, and his rod and ſtaff will comfort me, and I will get a glorious crown, a crown of many pardons; You muſt have ſins, ſaid the miniſter, ſeeing you have ſo many pardons. Yes, ſaid ſhe again, I have had many ſins, many black ſcores, but there's a pardon at every ſcore, and I will hope in him, he will not leave me. When ſhe was aſked if ſhe was uſed to pray? She replied, yes, I have had many ſweet returns of prayer. That is ſtrange laid Mr Law, to hear thee ſpeak of returns of prayer, what call you returns of prayer? She anſwedred, That which I prayed unto God for to me, is now returned all unto me. Being aſked afterwards by one with whom ſhe had often uſed much freedom, if ſhe would tell particularly, what ſome of theſe returns of prayer were that ſhe had got? She ſaid, I know that I ſought of God, that he would give me the ſaving knowledge of him and I hope that he hath done it, I know alſo it was ſought of God for me, that whatever he did with me, he would work a ſaving change upon me, and that it is was his will, he would grant I might be made to declare that he had done great things for my ſoul, and hath he not done it? Hath he not done it?

In the afternoon of the same day, Mr James Webſter miniſter of the city coming to viſit her