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Covenant Engagement,

&c. &c.

The ſecond dated at

Earlſton, January, 1691.

LORD, thou knoweſt my former engagement which paſt betwixt my ſoul and thee, when I entered into covenant with thee (to my ſoul's great comfort) in the ſweet Caſtle of Blackneſs.—I giving myself up unto thee promising to be for the in my, ſtation adhering to thy ſacred ſcriptures, and to our noble work of reformation, which was then the head of my ſufferings, and for which I had loſt the favour of my relations and chriſtian friends, whoſe untenderneſs to me made me sit ſolitary, eating the bread of adversity, and drinking the water of affliction; killed all the day long with ſore and heavy reproaches; tow or none to ſympathize with me but thyſelf, who ſweetned all my trials with the ſoul comforting conſolation of thy Holy Spirit; ſuch contentedneſs thou gave