Page:Acharnians and two other plays (1909).djvu/160

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Aristophanes' Plays

Tr. You'll both be put to death.

Eu. But we're not men.

Tr. Not men! what are ye? what do ye call yourselves? 65

Eu. The fright has turned me into a yellow-hammer.

Tr. Poh! Stuff and nonsense!

Eu. I can prove it to ye.

Tr. But your comrade here; what bird is he?

Peis. I'm changed to a Golden Pheasant just at present.

Eu. Now tell me, in heaven's name, what creature are ye?

Tr. I'm a slave bird.

Eu. A slave? how did it happen?
Were you made prisoner by a fighting cock? 70

Tr. No. When my master made himself a Hoopoe,
He begged me to turn bird to attend upon him.

Eu. Do birds then want attendance?

Tr. Yes, of course,
In his case, having been a man before, 75
He longs occasionally for human diet,
His old Athenian fare: pilchards, for instance.
Then I must fetch the pilchards; sometimes porridge;
He calls for porridge, and I mix it for him.

Eu.[1] Well, you're a dapper waiter, a didapper;
But didapper, I say, do step within there, 80
And call your master out.

Tr. But just at present
He's taking a little rest after his luncheon,
Some myrtle berries and a dish of worms.

Eu. No matter, call him here. We wish to speak to him.

Tr. (in the tone of Simple, Master Slender's serving man).
He'll not be pleased, I'm sure; but notwithstanding,
Since you desire it, I'll make bold to call him. [Exit.

Peis. (looking after him). Confound ye, I say, you've frightened me to death. 85

Eu. He has scared away my Jackdaw; it's flown away.

Peis. You let it go yourself, you coward.

Eu. Tell me,
  1. The Trochilus has been unnecessarily communicative, and shewn himself a very simple sort of a Serving-man; Eu. has tact enough to discover this, and assumes the ascendancy accordingly.