Page:Acharnians and two other plays (1909).djvu/27

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The Acharnians

Amb. Come now, Shamartabas, stand forth; declare
The King's intentions to the Athenian people.

[Shamartabas here utters some words, which Orientalists
have supposed to be the common formula prefixed to the
edicts of the Persian Monarch
—Iartaman exarksan
apissonai satra.

Amb. You understand it?

Dic. No, by Jove, not I.

Amb. (to Dicæopolis). He says the King intends to send us gold.
(to Shamartabas). Explain about the gold; speak more distinctly.

Shamartabas. Sen gooly Jaönau aphooly chest.

Dic. Well, that's distinct enough!

Her. What does he say? 130

Dic. That it's a foolish jest for the Ionians
To imagine that the King would send them gold.

Amb. No, no! He's telling ye of chests full of gold.

Dic. What chests? you're an impostor. Stand away;
Keep off; and let me alone to question him.
[To Shamartabas.
You Sir, you Persian! answer me distinctly
And plainly, in presence of this fist of mine;
On pain of a royal purple bloody nose.
Will the King send us gold, or will he not?
[Shamartabas shakes his head.
Have our Ambassadors bamboozled us?[Shamartabas nods.
These fellows nod to us in the Grecian fashion; 141
They're some of our own people, I'll be bound.
One of those eunuchs there I'm sure I know:
I'm positive it's Cleisthenes the Siburtian.
How durst you, you baboon, with such a beard,
And your designing wicked rump close shaved,
To pass yourself upon us for a eunuch?
And who's this other? Sure enough it's Strato!

Her. Silence there! Keep your seats!
The Senate have invited the King's Eye 150
To feast with them in the Prytaneum.

Dic. There—
An't it enough to drive one mad? to drive one
To hang himself? to be kept here in attendance,

Working myself into a strangury;