Page:Acharnians and two other plays (1909).djvu/40

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Aristophanes' Plays

Dic. No, not Phœnix, no,
A fellow a great deal wretcheder than Phœnix.

Eur. I wonder what he wants; is it the rags 520
Which Philoctetes went a begging with?

Dic . No, 'twas a beggar worse than Philoctetes.

Eur. Say, would you wish to wear those loathly weeds,
The habiliments of lame Bellerophon?

Dic. 'Twas not Bellerophon, but very like him.
A kind of a smooth, fine spoken character;
A beggar into the bargain and a cripple,
With a grand command of words, bothering and begging.

Eur. I know your man: 'tis Telephus the Mysian.

Dic. Ah, Telephus! Yes, Telephus! do, pray, 530
Give me the things he wore.

Eur. Go fetch them there.
You'll find 'em next to the tatters of Thyestes,
Just over Ino's. Take them, there, and welcome.

Dic. O Jupiter, what an infinite endless mass
Of eternal holes and patches! Here it is,
Here's wherewithal to clothe myself in misery.
Euripides, now, since you've gone so far,
Do give me the other articles besides
Belonging to these rags, that suit with them,
With a little Mysian bonnet for my head. 540
For I must wear a beggar's garb to-day,
Yet be myself in spite of my disguise;
That the audience all may know me; but the chorus,
Poor creatures, must not have the least suspicion
Whilst I cajole them with my rhetoric.

Eur. I'll give it you; your scheme is excellent,
Deep, subtle, natural, a profound device.

Dic. "May the Heavens reward you; and as to Telephus,[1]
May they decide his destiny as I wish!"
Why, bless me, I'm quite inspired (I think) with phrases. 550
I shall want the beggar's staff, though, notwithstanding.

Eur. Here, take it, and depart forth from the palace.

Dic. O my poor heart! much hardship hast thou borne,

And must abide new sorrows even now,
  1. In the play which is here burlesqued, Telephus had been speaking in an assumed character, and had appeared, with a similar ambiguous form, to be imprecating evil upon himself.