Page:Acharnians and two other plays (1909).djvu/76

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Aristophanes' Plays

What joy is this!
What ecstasy! do give me a kiss!
There coax me, and hug me close, and sympathise;
I've swigged the gallon off; I've won the prize.

Lam. Ο what a consummation of my woes,
What throbs and throes!

Dic. Eh there! my little Lamachus! How goes?

Lam. I'm in distress.

Dic. I'm in no less.

Lam. Mock not at my misery. 1580

Dic. Accuse me not of mockery.

Lam. Twas at the final charge; I'd paid before
A number of the rogues; at least a score.

Dic. It was a most expensive charge you bore:
Poor Lamachus! he was forced to pay the score!

Lam. Ο mercy, mighty Apollo!

Dic. What, do ye holloh
A'ter Apollo? it an't his feast to-day.

Lam. (to his bearers).
Don't press me,
Dear friends! 1590
But place me
Gently and tenderly.

Dic. (to the women).
Caress me,
Dear girls!
Embrace me
Gently and tenderly.

Lam. Strip off the incumbrance of this warlike gear,
And take me to my bed. . . .

Dic. Strip off incumbrances, my pretty dear,
And take me off to bed. 1600

Lam. Or bear me to the public hospital
With care.

Dic. Bring me before the judges; one and all
Look there!
I've won the prize;
As this true gallon measure testifies.
I've drunk it off. "I triumph great and glorious."

Chorus. And well you may; triumph away, good fellow;
you're victorious.