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spectively, of Arizona; for Printing Experiment Station’s Publications, and for Continuation of Farmers’ Institute Lectures and Short Coures of Instruction

103. An Act to Prohibit the Use by Persons, Firms, Companies or Corporations of Script, Checks. Drafts, Tickets, Punch Outs, Due Bills, Store Orders, or Evidences of Indebtedness Payable in Otherwise Than Their Face Value in Money or to Compel or Coerce Persons or Employees to Purchase Goods of Any Particular Person, Firm, Company or Corporation, and to Provide Penalties for the Violation of This Act 263
104. An Act Validating Mining Locations 265
105. An Act Providing for the Refusal and Revocation of Any License for the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors; Amending Chapter 25 of the Twenty-fourth Session Laws of 1907 265
106. An Act to Provide for the Maintenance of the Territorial Institutions 267
107. An Act to Provide for Improvements at the Territorial Institutions 273