Page:Acts of the Parliament of India 1951.djvu/1

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No. of ActPages
ICode of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act1
IICode of Civil Procedure Amendment) Act7
IIIPart B States (Laws) Act13
IVPreventive Detention (Amendment) Act43
VEmployers' Liability (Amendment) Act47
VIAppropriation (Railways) Act49
VIIAppropriation Act61
VIIIAppropriation (Railways) No. 2 Act55
VIIIIRequisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Amendment Act57
IXDelhi and Ajmer-Merwara Rent Control (Amendment) Act59
XITaxation on Income (Investigation Commission) Amendment Act61
XIIAppropriation (Vote on Acount) Act51
XII Indian Tariff (Amendment) Act67
XIVAppropriation (Railways) No. 3 Act73
XVAppropriation (No. 2) Act75
XVIMinimum Wages (Amendment) Act79
XVIICoal Mines Safety (Stowing) Amendment Act81
XVIIISupreme Court Advocates (Practice in High Courts) Act82
XVIXCode of Civil Procedure (Second Amendment) Act85
XXIndian Tariff (Second Amendment) Act87
XXICoal Mines Provident Fund and Bonus Schemes (Amendment) Act93
XXIIAdministration of Evacuee Property (Amendment) Act95
XXIIIFinance Act97
XXIVCodes of Civil and Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act113
XXVJallianwala Bagh National Memorial Act115
LXXVIInland Steam-Vessels (Amendment) Act119
LXXVIIRepresentation of the People (Amendment) Act127
LXXVIIITax on Newspapers (Sales and Advertisements) Repeal Act129
LXXIXVisva-Bharati Act121
XXXPresident's Pension Act147
XXIHyderabad Public Companies (Limitation, of Dividends) Repealing Act149
XXXIIReserve Bank of India (Amendment) Act151
XXXIIIFinance Commission (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act157
XXXIVAssam Rifles (Amendment) Act159
XXXVPort Trusts and Ports (Amendment) Act161
XXXVIDelhi Laws (Amendment) Act223
XXXVIIScheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act225
XXXVIIIIndian Boilers (Amendment) Act229
XXXIXMarking of Heavy Packages Act281
XLIndustrial Disputes (Amendment and Temporary Provisions) Act233
XLIRajghat Samadhi Act247
LIIIndian Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act239
XLIIIRepresentation of the People Act241
XLIVOpium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Amendment Act301