Page:Adam's reports on vernacular education in Bengal and Behar, submitted to Government in 1835, 1836 and 1838.djvu/213

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Midnapore, Bengali, Persian and Ooriya Schools.

and English schools found in each thana and in the whole district.

Thanas. Bengali. Ooriya. Persian. English.
1. Midnapore . . . 51 . . . 10 1
2. Kasseegunge . . . 78 2 5
3. Kulmeejole . . . 121 . . . 5
4. Gurh Bettah . . . 41 . . . 1
5. Tumlook . . . 33 1 4
6. Muslundpore . . . 1 4 1
7. Kadoryea . . . . . . 32 1
8. Sautpattee . . . 17
9. Sildah . . . 16
10. Putaspore . . . 4 23 3
11. Mohespore . . . . . . 4 23
12. Dynmaree . . . 21 37 4
13. Pertabpore . . . 39 7 2
14. Subung . . . 108 19 7
15. Rymorbhandar . . . . . . 12
16. Sirsah . . . 18 . . . 5
17. Chutrapal . . . . . . 22
Total . . . 548 182 48 1

The total number of Bengali, Ooriya, and Persian schools is thus ascertained to be 778; and the proportion of each is also shown. The average number of schools in each thana is 45·7. Each school has a single teacher attached to it; there does not appear to be any instance in which two teachers are employed in the same school. The receipts of the teachers vary from one to seven or eight rupees per month, and the average of receipts by the whole body of teachers is Rupees 1-12-10. The total number of scholars is 10,129, of whom 9,819 are Hindus, and 310 Musalmans, the average number of scholars in each school being thus 13·02.

In the English school both English and Bengali are taught, and it is supported by voluntary contributions from the European and native gentlemen of Midnapore. The teacher receives a monthly salary of 50 rupees, and each scholar pays a monthly fee of one rupee. The number of scholars is 42, of whom 34 are Hindus, 6 Christians, and 2 Mahomedans. In one of the highest classes Christian books are read, it being optional with the scholars to enter it or not.