Page:Adam's reports on vernacular education in Bengal and Behar, submitted to Government in 1835, 1836 and 1838.djvu/220

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School-houses at whose expense built.
Rs. As. P.
1 Teacher receive fees and uncooked food . . . 5 11 6
5 Teacher receive fees and subsistence-money . . . 38 3 0
1 Teacher receive fees and weekly presents . . . 2 14 0
4 Teacher receive fees and annual presents . . . 20 8 0
1 Teacher receive fees, uncooked food, and subsistence-money . . . 4 14 0
5 Teacher receive fees, uncooked food, and weekly presents . . . 24 5 3
2 Teacher receive fees, uncooked food, and annual presents . . . 5 11 3
5 Teacher receive fees, subsistence-money, and annual presents . . . 23 9 9
3 Teacher receive fees, weekly presents, and annual presents . . . 13 3 9
2 Teacher receive fees, uncooked food, weekly presents, and subsistence-money . . . 14 4 3
1 Teacher receive fees, uncooked food, weekly presents, and annual presents . . . 0 15 0
1 Teacher receive fees, uncooked food, annual presents, and subsistence-money . . . 5 9 3

It thus appears that 62 teachers receive in all rupees 297-6-9, which averages to each teacher rupees 4-12-9 per month.

The school-house is sometimes built at the expense of the teacher, sometimes at the expense of some comparatively wealthy person whose son attends school; sometimes by general subscription, the teacher contributing a little, the parents a little, the scholars aiding by their labour, and some benevolent person granting a donation of land, of money, or of materials. In a majority of instances there is no school-house, in which case the house of the teacher, a family or village temple, an out-house of one of the parents, the hut assigned for the entertainment of travellers, the corner of a shop, the portico of a mosque, or the shade of a tree, is employed for that purpose.

In 67 schools the total number of scholars is 1,080, giving to each school an average of 16.1. The average present age of 1,080 scholars, that is, their average age at the time when the different schools were visited, was 10.1 years. The average age of 778 scholars at the time when they entered school was 6.03 years, and their average age at the time when they would probably leave school was estimated to be 16.5 years. It would appear from this that they generally pass about ten years at school.