Page:Adam's reports on vernacular education in Bengal and Behar, submitted to Government in 1835, 1836 and 1838.djvu/251

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South Behar Pandits, their emoluments.

Udvaha, Sraddha, Ekadasi, Malamasa, and Jyotisha Tatwas, and the Mitakshara; in logic, the Jagadisi commentary of Vyapti Panchaka, Sinha Vyaghra, Avachhedoktanirukti, Vyapti Grahopaya, Samanya Lakshana, Pakshata, Paramarsa, Kevalanwayi, and Samanya Nirukti, the Mathuri commentary of Tarka, the Gadadhari commentary of Anumiti and Satpratipaksha, the Jagadisi and Gadadhari commentaries of Visesa Vyapti, Avayava, Savyabhichara, and Hetwabhasa, and the Sabdasaktiprakasika, Saktibadha, Muktibada, Bauddha Dhikkara, Pramanyabada, Lilavati, and Kusumanjali; in the Vedanta, Sankarabhashya and Panchadasi; in medicine, Sarangadhara Sanhita, Charaka, Vyakhya Madhu Kosha, and Chakrapani; in mythology, Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita; in astrology, Jyotisha Sara; and in the Tantra, Tantra Sara.

District of South Behar

This district contains 27 Sanscrit schools, of which one village contains six, three villages contain two each, and fifteen villages contain one each. The number of teachers is the same as the number of schools, and their average age is 43.9 years. They are all Brahmans, seventeen Sakadwipi Brahmans, four Kanyakubja, four Maithila, one Sarajupariya, and one Sonadhya.

Of the whole body of teachers, seven give their instructions gratuitously without deriving any emoluments from patrons. Of these, one, in consequence of the resumption of a small endowment he had, has withheld the pecuniary aid he formerly gave to his pupils; and three rent each a small farm which they cultivate by hired labour. The rest appear to be dependent on the other members of their own families. Twenty teachers furnished the following estimates of the amount of their annual receipts:—

1 receives a monthly allowance from a patron . . . 120
2 receive by officiating as priests about . . . 85
1 receives proceeds of an endowment . . . 100
1 receives monthly allowance and proceeds of endowment . . . 104
1 receives monthly allowance and by public recitation . . . 340
2 receive in presents of money and uncooked food . . . 274
1 receives proceeds of an endowment and by officiating as a priest . . . 76
1 receives as an initiating priest and by public recitations . . . 10
1 receives as a family priest and by public recitations . . . 200
1 receives a monthly allowance, village subscriptions, and proceeds of an endowment . . . 49
1 receives a monthly allowance, proceeds of an endowment, and presents of uncooked food . . . 642
1 receives in presents of money and uncooked food, and proceeds of an endowment . . . 60
5 receive monthly allowances and presents of money, and uncooked food . . . 4,942
1 receives as an initiating priest, as an officiating family priest, as a reciter of the Puranas, and in the form of occasional presents . . . 400