Page:Adam's reports on vernacular education in Bengal and Behar, submitted to Government in 1835, 1836 and 1838.djvu/266

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South Behar teachers, their emoluments.

Two of the teachers instruct gratuitously, and two others give both food and instruction to their pupils. The remaining teachers are remunerated as follows: —

Rs. As. P.
1 teacher receives monthly wages and clothes and food for himself and scholars . . . 46 8 0
1 teacher receives monthly wages, food for himself and scholars, and the proceeds of an endowment of land . . . 165 5 4
2 teachers receive monthly wages . . . 3 0 0
2 teachers receive fees . . . 7 7 0
5 teachers receive monthly wages and uncooked food . . . 16 8 0
14 teachers receive fees and uncooked food . . . 49 6 0
2 teachers receive monthly wages and subsistence-money . . . 8 8 0
22 teachers receive fees and subsistence-money . . . 75 11 0
2 teachers receive fees and weekly presents . . . 8 10 0
3 teachers receive monthly wages and annual presents . . . 5 10 0
10 teachers receive fees and annual presents . . . 27 3 9
6 teachers receive monthly wages, uncooked food, and annual presents . . . 80 15 3
57 teachers receive fees, uncooked food, and annual presents . . . 243 11 3
29 teachers receive monthly wages, subsistence-money, and annual presents . . . 101 8 9
95 teachers receive fees, subsistence-money, and annual presents . . . 454 7 3
1 teacher receives fees, subsistence-money, and weekly presents . . . 7 0 0
1 teacher receives monthly wages, weekly presents, and annual presents . . . 3 2 3
1 teacher receives fees, uncooked food, weekly presents, and annual presents . . . 4 6 0
10 teachers receive monthly wages, subsistence-money, weekly presents, and annual presents . . . 47 5 0
22 teachers receive fees, subsistence-money, weekly presents, and annual presents . . . 110 8 0
1 teacher receives fees, uncooked food, subsistence-money, weekly presents, and annual presents . . . 5 6 9

Thus 287 teachers receive in all rupees 1,472-3-7, averaging to each rupees 5-2 per month.

There is another source of gain to the teachers of Persian schools in this district called Shuruäti, or a payment made by every scholar at the commencement of a new book. This is so uncertain that it cannot strictly be regarded either as a monthly or an annual gain. In 579 instances in which I ascertained that this payment had been made, the total amount was rupees 138-9-6, which averages only three annas and about ten pie in each case; and as it is seldom that a school-book is changed oftener than once a year, and the average number of scholars to each school is about five, this will give each teacher an additional sum of rupee 1-3-2 per annum, or about an anna and a half monthly.

Two maulavis in this district are highly distinguished for learning, and they are both authors.

Maulavi Gholam Hossein, dwelling at Sahebgunge in the thana of that name, has written in Persian a compilation called Jam-i-Bahadur Khani, from various Arabic works on arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and the natural sciences, with additions of