Page:Adam's reports on vernacular education in Bengal and Behar, submitted to Government in 1835, 1836 and 1838.djvu/72

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Lord W. Bentinck’s Minute on Vernacular Education.

institutions, with well-appointed teachers of every kind, confined perhaps to the six[1] great divisions into which the Madras Presidency is formed, where instruction of a superior order might have heen obtained, and to which Natives of all ranks and classes would have gladly had recourse, as in the case of the Hindoo College, for the higher education which is there afforded.

From these would have naturally gone forth Teachers of the best kinds in all languages and sciences, and, without any further effort on the part of the Government, true knowledge must have gradually made its way.

It is not my intention to make any proposition in relation to this Report, because it will be, of course, transmitted to the General Education Committee for their remarks and suggestions.

Upon the expediency of possessing the existing state of instruction throughout our territories, there cannot, I think, be a doubt; and the point for consideration seems to be as to the mode of obtaining it, whether by calling upon the local functionaries for a report of all institutions within their districts, or to employ, as in England, a special deputation for the purpose. The first mode would be attended with no expense, but we could not expect from it that fullness of information and accuracy of detail which could lead to any safe conclusion or practical result.

Nothing but a close insight into these institutions, and an enquiry into the feelings of the people themselves, which cannot be made directly by official authority with any prospect of success, and without exciting distrust, could elicit the information and all the data requisite for any future measure. The importance of the subject would well deserve the exclusive time and attention of a commission composed of the ablest of our servants; but neither men nor money adequate to the purpose could at this moment be conveniently spared.

  1. Presidency, Southern Division, Mysore, Oude Districts, Northern Circars, Masulipatam.