Page:Adama Mickiewicza Konrad Wallenrod i Grazyna.djvu/76

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A father's love—a tender mother's breast— [land
Splendour and wealth—sweet home and smiling
Days without anguish—nights of dreamless rest!—
Peace like a guardian angel's unseen band.
By morn, and noon, and night—at home—abroad—
Still witched beside me, wheresoe'er I trod.

Three lovely daughters—in one home we dwelt;—
I first was wooed;—oh happy days were ye,
When at the same fond mother's knee we knelt!—
Who told me other happiness might be?
Beautiful youth! ah why didst thou disclose,
What in our Lithuanian land, none knows?

Of that great God, and of those angels bright—
Those stone-built cities, gloriously fair.
Where the one holy faith is throned in might,
And men in gorgeous temples offer prayer,—
Where the young maids hold princes in their chains,
Brave as our heroes, tender as our swains.

Of that glad heaven whither man's soul shall break
From earth's confining bonds and upwards flee.—