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Two-Book Series of Arithmetics.

By James B. Thomson, LL.D., author of a Mathematical Course.

1. FIRST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC, Oral and Written. Fully and handsomely illustrated. For Primary Schools. 144 pp. 16mo, cloth.

2 A COMPLETE GRADED ARITHMETIC, Oral and Written, upon the Inductive Method of Instruction. For Schools and Academies. 400 pp. 12mo, cloth.

This entirely new series of Arithmetics by Dr. Thomson has been prepared to meet the demand for a complete course in two books. The following embrace some of the characteristic features of the books:

First Lessons.—This volume is intended for Primary Classes. It is divided into Six Sections, and each Section into Twenty Lessons. These Sections cover the ground generally required in large cities for promotion from grade to grade.

The book is handsomely illustrated. Oral and slate exercises are com- bined throughout. Addition and Subtraction are taught in connection, and also Multiplication and Division. This is believed to be in accordance with the best methods of teaching these subjects.

Complete Graded.—This book unites in one volume Oral and Written Arithmetic upon the inductive method of instruction. Its aim is twofold: to develop the intellect of the pupil, and to prepare him for the actual business of life. In securing these objects, it takes the most direct road to a practical knowledge of Arithmetic.

The pupil is led by a few simple, appropriate examples to infer for himself the general principles upon which the operations and rules depend, instead of taking them upon the authority of the author without explanation. He is thus taught to put the steps of particular solutions into a concise statement, or general formula. This method of developing principles is an important feature.

It has been a cardinal point to make the explanations simple, the steps in the reasoning short and logical, and the definitions and rules brief, clear and comprehensive.

The discussion of topics which belong exclusively to the higher departments of the science is avoided; while subjects deemed too difficult to be appreciated by beginners, but important for them when more advanced, are placed in the Appendix, to be used at the discretion of the teacher.

Arithmetical puzzles and paradoxes, and problems relating to subjects having a demoralizing tendency, as gambling, etc., are excluded. All that is obsolete in the former Tables of Weights and Measures is eliminated, and the part retained is corrected in accordance with present law and usage.

Examples for Practice, Problems for Review, and Test Questions are abundant in number and variety, and all are different from those in the author's Practical Arithmetic.

The arrangement of subjects is systematic; no principle is anticipated, or used in the explanation of another, until it has itself been explained. Subjects intimately connected are grouped together in the order of their dependence.

Teachers and School Officers, who are dissatisfied with the Arithmetics they have in use, are invited to confer with the publishers.

Clark and Maynard, Publishers, New York.

Copyright, 1885, by Clark & Maynard.