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Ord. No. 2 of 2012

Wild Animals Protection Ordinance

43. Entry in restricted areas

(1) Section 13(2)(a) of the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170) is amended by repealing “Her Majesty’s forces” and substituting “the Chinese People’s Liberation Army”.

(2) Section 13(3)(a) is amended by repealing “Her Majesty’s forces” and substituting “the Chinese People’s Liberation Army”.

Registration of Persons Regulations

44. Exemptions

Regulation 25(b)(i) of the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap. 177 sub. leg. A) is amended by repealing “Her Majesty’s regular naval, military or air forces” and substituting “the Chinese People’s Liberation Army”.

Defences (Firing Areas) Ordinance

45. Firing programme and notices

Section 4(1) of the Defences (Firing Areas) Ordinance (Cap. 196) is amended by repealing “Commander, British Forces” and substituting “Commander of the Hong Kong Garrison”.

46. Penalty for offences

Section 8(2) is amended—

(a) by repealing “officer authorized” and substituting “person authorized”;
(b) by repealing “such officer” and substituting “any person authorized by section 9”.

47. Officers authorized to arrest or remove trespassers, etc.

(1) The heading of section 9 is amended by repealing “Officers” and substituting “Persons”.

(2) Section 9 is amended—